International Women’s Day


They say it’s International Women’s Day
I say every day is my dayEvery day is a day I seek comfort and support

From the strong women around me
Not the one who is threatened by successes

The one who uplifts and supports
Not the one who holds a grudge

The one who knows we all makes mistakes
They say it’s International Women’s Day

I say – I don’t wait for an International Organization
Or a Developed Nation to recognize me

Recognize me?
I am who I am because of those who came before me

I do not wait for recognition because I am consoled
By the love and support – Unconditional

By those true, not those who claim Judgment

You claim I judge. You judge, I judge
But we all know there is One Judge

They say it’s International Women’s Day
I say every day is a day I overcome

Overcome fear, burden, and heartache
The reason why?

We uphold one another
We find strength in one another

We carry the burdens of this mad world with one another
They say it’s International Women’s Day

I say every day we carry on is Our Day

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